Having practiced Craniosacral Therapy for 27+ years, clients have told me of results as individual as they are, some surprising. What I have noticed is a predominant response to easing pain and emotional distress. Read more...
One of the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy is it's ability to encourage the Nervous System to calm down. In that quiet space of a session, where you are relaxed and peaceful, calming of the nervous system is a bonus. When calmed and in a resting phase the body has a chance to re-set itself through it's innate abilities to rejuvenate and heal. Read more...
Your Body, Mind and Spirit on Stress
Stress in it's chronic or acute stages can be debilitating to mind, body and spirit. The changes it creates in the body can lead to emotional responses of depression and anxiety. What if you calmed your Nervous System? Read more...
Mental & Physical Well-Being, the Vagus Nerve and Craniosacral Therapy
How is your Vagus Nerve Tone? The 10th Cranial Nerve, or 'Vagus Nerve' is the longest nerve in the body and innervates major organs and tissues including the larynx, voice box, heart, lungs, stomach and colon. It has a direct connection between the gut and the brain. Read more
Craniosacral Therapy ~ Healing Muscle Pain in the Stillness
Craniosacral Therapy encourages the body into a state of deep relaxation and stillness. In that space the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over to bring the body to rest, relax, repair and restore. In that space of quiet stillness the body has the opportunity to drop away from it's usual "busyness", settle into calm, and reorganize and heal itself. Read more
Fascia Fitness with Craniosacral Therapy
In our day to day physical activities our fascia can become tight and congested if we are not taking regular approaches to keeping it loose, hydrated and flexible. Emotional and mental stress play a part as well. Hunched shoulders, turtling, digestive issues... can all cause the fascia to wind tighter. When tight and congested the muscles and organs don't have as much room to move and flow normally. Read more
Craniosacral Therapy Touch - The Healing Legacy
A documentary that discusses how Craniosacral Therapy works and explores the effects of dolphin-assisted Craniosacral Therapy (CST).
Craniosacral therapy has provided many rewards in my personal and professional life. It has been a source of health and well-being and growth, for myself and my practice. It has provided nourishment and fulfilment at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.Read more...
Craniosacral Therapy - Spiral In Spiral Out
Craniosacral Therapy listens to the natural flow and rhythm of the body
by Teresa Graham Nature spirals … and that includes us. Have you noticed the whorls and circles in the trunk of a cut tree, how a cat will curl up and around itself to sleep within a tightly tucked ball, the spirals of sea shells, plant leaves, wave patterns in the sand left by the ocean’s waves… But nature’s swirls also open and release. The tree sends branches out from its outer circles, the cat gets up and stretches and the sand patterns are impermanent.
The human body spirals….our dna spirals within, we have linings (fascia) around our cells, muscles, our organs, even our skin acts as a lining that holds us together. Our mind spiralfs with emotions that wind us up or loosen and relax us.
As living beings we can run into problems when we don’t take the time to loosen and open those spirals but instead, allow life’s continual and stressful grinds to wind us tighter…ever tighter. We can begin to feel like a tightly wound spring ready to “boing” in uncontrolled patterns as we knock against those things around us and then lie in the place we land, still coiled and tight.
Craniosacral Therapy encourages the body to unwind, to loosen the tightness and just be. Craniosacral Therapy is very gentle and works in partnership with the body's innate understanding of the healing that it needs to do to achieve balance and wellness.
How do you think it would feel to “unwind from the grind”? Do you think it would feel wonderful to open up and balance, from top to bottom, while still staying firmly grounded in YOUR present?
The Right Touch: Craniosacral Therapy for Kids with Special Needs
Aside from feeling the flow, why do parents decide to bring their children to craniosacral therapists? Often families with kids who are on the autism spectrum or have learning disabilities go into what craniosacral therapist Julie Manwiller calls a “freeze.” This happens when parents and other family members — and the child himself — are so overwhelmed by the demands of and on a special-needs kid that the family system goes into freeze mode. Read more...