by Teresa Graham
Most of us are vaguely aware of one of the most amazing muscle we have. I’m aware with each touch, that your session has a great impact upon your precious Heart muscle. Read more |
by Teresa Graham
My muscles have been talking lately and loudly! Sounds strange perhaps, but let me explain. This past Fall I took extra special care of me and ensured that I experienced regular self-care. I booked massage appointments in advance and also took a weekly Yoga class. Not for the first time, but with a new awareness, I experienced (click here to read more) |
by Teresa Graham
With a focus still on the spine and all of its attachments what can we do when our back is hurting? or when we would just like to enjoy something soothing? Here are some hints for caring for sore back muscles as well as some aromatherapy recipes for sore muscles and for soothing, relaxing back rubs. Read on... |
by Teresa Graham, RMT
There is an ever growing body of research that supports the benefits of Massage Therapy for the Immune System, especially during the winter months. Here are some reasons why regular treatments strengthen your immunity Read more |
by Teresa Graham
Massage clients are often surprised to discover how the parts of their body are all connected. They often don’t consider that pain in one area of the body may be related to problems in another area. The realization of that connection can often make sense once awareness is created. Read more... |
by Teresa Graham
Cold and flu season seems to be coming around the corner again. There are so many wonderful, natural remedies to build your immune system and keep the bugs at bay, or to ease your symptoms more quickly, however, Massage is not one of them. Read more |
by Teresa Graham
You wake up in the morning and can hardly turn your head, severe pain in your neck and perhaps shoulders and you have no idea why. You didn’t do anything differently yesterday, just woke up like this in the morning. And … it hurts! Wry Neck happens as a result of shifting or turning the head too quickly (which can happen while we’re asleep). Read more |