APPOINTMENTS in Chilliwack
Tuesday & Friday 10 to 7
Wednesday 10 to 6 Saturday 10 to 6 #2-46013 Gore Ave.
To subscribe to the Fraser Valley Enewsletter click here
The Enewsletter is published monthly and contains information about upcoming classes & workshops, theme of the month, featured sessions, articles about holistic health, yummy recipes and more! You can unsubscribe at any time and your email address is not shared |
Appointments with Teresa available:
Dec 15-22
January 14-21 February 11-18 March 11-18 *please add yourself to the waitlist, or contact me at [email protected] if you are unable to find a day/time that works for you.
#1-6108 Bowness Rd. NW
To subscribe to the Calgary Enewsletter click here
Pulished monthly the Enewsletter contains info for upcoming session dates, workshops, theme of the month and articles about Holsitic Health. You can unsubscribe at any time. (If you clicked to "opt in" when creating your account on the Booking App then you are already subscribed to the Calgary enewsletter) |