![]() A woman’s life is naturally cyclical, from birth to death. Hormonal changes throughout your lifetime create an arc of growth, maturity and an eventual end, all of which impact your body, mind and spirit. At different stages of that growth different aspects of the whole woman come to the forefront. Early life is mostly focused on physical growth and as you flow into your later years, the spiritual side can begin to take precedence. Energy shifts constantly flow through all of your years of life. Each stage and each cycle creates the unique and empowered woman that you are today.
Something I hear often from clients during or at the end of their sessions is “I didn’t know that muscle was tight, or sore, until you were massaging there” or “I didn’t realize how tense and stressed I was until I was quietly lying on the massage/reiki table”. Most holistic therapies encourage relaxation, and when added to a quiet atmosphere many people begin to breathe more deeply, become more present in the moment and become more aware of where they are holding stress and tension in their body, mind and/or spirit.
![]() You've heard me suggest drinking extra water after your session, but do you know why your body needs Hydration? I may make an extra suggestion during your session that your body (usually the skin) is telling me you’re not hydrated enough? Keeping hydrated is a major keynote in getting your body to give you it’s best! Especially while venturing into the great outdoors through the summer months. ![]() The Hips are amazing ball joints created through the union of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia of the upper leg and pelvis. A major weight bearing joint for the body, the Hip allows for great range of motion for our legs, when we look after it. During 2019 I saw a number of clients in both Calgary and the Fraser Valley for a number of reasons. They brought some similiar issues to the treatment room for us to address.
The main problem being tackled (which displayed itself through symptoms) was a feeling of life being too much, too busy, too much to do, too much to take care of, too many places to get to... Too much was a common theme. Here are the top 5, plus how we worked together to resolve them: Why Should You Book Massage Appointments During The Summer?![]() Summer just seems soooooo busy! The kids are out of school, the weather is nicer so we're outdoors doing a lot and ohhhh those muscles can hurt! Summertime activities take a toll on our body regardless of how good they feel. Golfers hips, torsos and arms, Gardeners back, hamstrings and shoulders, Hikers legs and low back...the list is endless. So why should you get a massage? With all of the outdoor activities your joints work over time and they can be sore. Massage Therapy helps to reduce inflammation and swelling and in that will help to reduce pain that you may be feeling. ![]() Gardening is especially hard on muscles because of the postures we hold, often for long periods of time as well as the different muscle groups being used. Hamstrings and low back pain from bending over, shoulder pain from pulling weeds and trimming hedges...you know what I'm talking about. Massage Therapy eases sore and tired muscles so that you can get back out to growing your garden. ![]() Stress! The kids are just getting out of school and I have already had 3 or 4 parents on my table stressing out about what to do with them all summer. Kids love to play outdoors from dawn to dusk during the summer months and keeping them engaged and interested can be challenging...and sometimes a little more than stressful. Take an hour to lie down on the massage table, ease the stress, quiet your mind and you will feel more energized and ready to take on the rest of the week with your little ones. Remembering your "Me Time"! With all the busyness it's easy to forget about taking regular time outs for taking care of you. Massage encourages you to get out of your head for a little while and engage with your body in a quiet, relaxing and peaceful space. It's only 60 minutes but it can make your body feel as though you have had 6 to 7 hours of sleep.
What is considered healthy, or not, seems to be linked to fads that come and go. I've watched clients as they have embraced different ideas and diets based on what is current, only to spiral when they haven't worked. Alternatively, I have seen those clients who take the time to tune in to and listen to their bodies, and what "feels best FOR THEM", experience the most success with lifestyle changes. They are also the happiest and most content people that I know. ![]() Taking the time to get to know your body and working with it rather than pushing it is essential to holistic wellbeing. Get quiet for a moment and ask yourself the following: 1. When in the past have I felt my very best? What was going on for you at the times that you felt your best? Think about
2. What currently makes me feel my best? Think about the clothes you feel best in, the foods that give you energy, the activities that feel good and the people in your circle that light you up. When you create this list be sure to leave off the things that are done, worn or eaten because you "should". Only list what "feels" really good 3. When you visualize or daydream about events of things you would like to draw into your life, what are they? We often picture ourselves or wish for things we'll do or have someday when we have more time or money, or fewer commitments. List these things. Now, compare your 3 lists. Is there a theme that you can pick out as to what things, activites, foods, people, etc. make you feel great? Can you incorporate one or two of them into your life now? ![]() So what does this have to do with Holistic Health? Holistic health includes how you feel physically, spiritually and emotionally. If for example you love to dance but run instead because you feel you should, is running the optimal work out for a good foundation in your health? If to go out running you find yourself thinking of all the reasons you don't want to, you find you are not enjoying the experience and you're feeling unhappy doing it, is it really the best for you? If instead, as soon as you hear music your body begins to move and your mood lightens, and you smile...doesn't dancing fit your holistic wellbeing in a more positive way? Think about the "shoulds" in your life and how they make you feel. What can you change to shift the feeling for a more holistically healthy you? Coming up in a few weeks and I am really looking forward to sharing this Level One Reiki class in Calgary!
Click here for more information or email me at [email protected] Ayurvedic (or Abhyanga) Massage is a deeply relaxing and healing experience for the mind and body. In an ideal world a person would receive Ayurvedic Massage daily with it's warm oils, meditative music, flowing movements and soft scents. Improving state of mind, a good nights sleep and movement without pain are just some of the benefits.
Teresa Graham,