Emotions are a natural and human way of expression. And you are human before you put on any of the other roles you have in this life. Emotions are also an energy that you can suppress or release. Energy naturally needs to move, it is something meant to be in constant motion, especially if it's to be released. When you grip tightly to suppress emotions, or the movement of that emotional energy within your being, the result is a sense/feeling/expression of unease (or dis-ease)
When a belief, relationship, physical item, etc. are held on to, part of your energy is held in the past, when you were first given the item, the relationship started or the belief was taught. If the associated memories are positive then you feel good when thinking about the past, and that energy of feeling good brings positive thoughts into your now. Where your energy belongs.
Taking time to assess what you need to let go of is not, I don’t think, as difficult as the steps to actually letting go. Life can become mired in old ways of doing things or holding onto items because you’ve had them for years, in other words, stagnation. Through following old beliefs or staying in relationships that no longer serve you, the journey forward becomes stuck. To recognize and assess what you need to let go of is a journey in itself. To take the steps to actually let go can be scary. (shared with permission) Some months ago a client was telling me of all the moving pieces she felt the need to control with regards to a particular event in her life, in order for things to go well, and for her to meet the goals that she had. Putting the pieces in place had been an ongoing effort for many months and it was obviously emotionally and mentally draining for her. I said to her that it seemed she was pushing a very large boulder up a steep, steep hill. She said that was what this felt like. I asked her what was the worse that could happen if she just stepped aside, stopped pushing the boulder and let go. Silence. During 2019 I saw a number of clients in both Calgary and the Fraser Valley for a number of reasons. They brought some similiar issues to the treatment room for us to address.
The main problem being tackled (which displayed itself through symptoms) was a feeling of life being too much, too busy, too much to do, too much to take care of, too many places to get to... Too much was a common theme. Here are the top 5, plus how we worked together to resolve them: During the months of September the trees are a shining example of letting go. The leaves they've grown through Spring and Summer change colours as they begin to die and then drop from the branches. The tree becomes bare, only to begin the cycle again the following Spring. There's no thought to it, there is just no more need of these leaves and so the tree simply lets them go. We often marvel at nature as her colours turn to the reds, oranges and browns of Fall. The crunch of leaves beneath our shoes or jumping in piles of leaves that have fallen bring joy. I think though we often don't make a connection with the lesson the trees are sharing with us in the art of letting go. For humans letting go is more difficult. We struggle with the one constant in our lives, change. It's inevitable that at points in our lives we must summon the courage to just let go and allow life to happen to us, because to do otherwise can bring feelings of desperation, guilt, anger, sadness and loss. Emotions can consume us and keep us stuck in the past chapters of our lives, when really the page has already turned...we just haven't acknowledged it yet. In letting go we have to take some time to mourn the dream that is lost, the picture we have created of what we think our life is about, or should be, the person we thought was meant to be with us forever... For each individual the acknowledgement, acceptance and release of that dream takes time, as does the healing process and taking steps to move forward. But move forward we will, at some point, in some way, by our own definition. As natural as change is in life, so is our need for connection to something new. It's a part of what makes us human. In the years that I have practiced the healing art of Reiki I have been witness to incredible feats of letting go. It's important to create a safe, non-judgemental space for each client to take whatever time they need, while providing a gentle and loving presence where they can feel secure to laugh, cry, rail against the unfairness, weep as acceptance comes, experience joy as they begin turning the page...and any other messy emotions that raise their heads. It's humbling to be a part of that experience as clients let go and move forward. Reiki, loving energy that is focused, can begin the process of developing a cushion to the pain, until the client is ready to take it on, face it and release it. Often surrounded by that loving, healing energy, it can be a less painful and easier path. Reiki energy can also help in guiding us towards that new path, one that is the best and most joyful path for our being. In the art of letting go I'm often reminded of something a friend has said to me, that "What is meant for me will not go past me" In acknowledging a trust in the universe and wrapping it in the loving energy of Reiki it is easier to have faith that this is so. That what is part of life's plan for us will show up...if we allow it.
Teresa Graham,