This theme for the March enewsletter brought many inspiring thoughts! The days are a little brighter and a little longer and as the first day of Spring is within sight, your mind and spirit may feel just a little lighter.
This year (2024) that day happens on March 19th.
Just a few months ago the Massage Therapist that I see asked me when I would begin following the advice that I give to clients. Whomp!
The realization that despite my mind believing I'm still 30 years old, my body is saying a loud and clear "Hey, NO!" Not easy to come to grips with, but while I do practice self-care, I need to develop a deeper understanding of my limitations. Taking time to assess what you need to let go of is not, I don’t think, as difficult as the steps to actually letting go. Life can become mired in old ways of doing things or holding onto items because you’ve had them for years, in other words, stagnation. Through following old beliefs or staying in relationships that no longer serve you, the journey forward becomes stuck. To recognize and assess what you need to let go of is a journey in itself. To take the steps to actually let go can be scary. Having practiced Craniosacral Therapy for 27+ years, clients have told me of results as individual as they are, some surprising. What I have noticed is a predominant response to easing pain and emotional distress. As a Massage Therapist I use to turn to Massage first when a client came to their session with pain, and only apply Craniosacral Therapy if, after a few sessions, the client was not responding. Clients were and are often amazed that a treatment that is so gentle, in the end actually brings them the ease they seek. There is a lot of fast paced, hustle bustle activities in our daily lives. Reiki should not be one of them. Lately I've noticed that people are in a hurry with their Reiki sessions, especially those that are providing one. I was discussing this with a colleague yesterday and she felt that in part it was that people, Reiki practitioners included, are often ungrounded, living in their heads and not taking time to get into their bodies and quiet their busy minds before engaging with others or with energy work. I think that she is on to something. Here is the part 2 that was promised in the January Enewsletter to my blog about Reiki, Intention Setting & the New Year.
Setting intention doesn't have to be a New Years event but can happen at any time. The reason that I focused on the New Year was because of Mercury being retrograde at the start of 2023...a perfect time for letting go! When you think of Yoga practice or meditation or any self-care, do you feel like you have to have the time to do it? That it has to be done over an hour or more?
It is easy to become disheartened if your feel that you want to commit to stretching every day but there is no point because you don't have an extra hour to give yourself. But who says it has to look like that? |
Teresa Graham,